how can i get the unjoined values with dql ? The problem in this code is that i'm getting only posts that have comments ..
public function getAllPostsDQL()
$q = $this->getEntityManager()
->createQuery('SELECT p.type,,p.urlImage,p.nom,u.nom as nomU,u.prenom as prenomU ,COUNT(co) as nb,MAX( as maxDate FROM PidevBundle:Publication p LEFT OUTER JOIN
PidevBundle:Commentaire co WITH co.idPublication=p
JOIN PidevBundle:User u WITH p.idUser=u
return $q->getResult();
I have finally found a solution for it , although i think it's a trash code :/ Thanks for everyone . Code :
public function getAllPostsDQL()
$q = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery(
u.nom as nomU,
u.prenom as prenomU,
(SELECT COUNT( FROM PidevBundle:Commentaire co WHERE co.idPublication=p) as nb,
(SELECT MAX( FROM PidevBundle:Commentaire com WHERE com.idPublication=p) as maxDate
FROM PidevBundle:Publication p
INNER JOIN p.idUser u
return $q->getResult();