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No sound answer from google assistant

Running on Ubuntu 16.04 on a X86 64 architecture. I am following the Google Assistant SDK for python guide : Everything seems to work well except that I get no sound when I run the test. Hereafter the output :




ON_RESPONDING_STARTED: {'is_error_response': False}


"TF1 à 21h" is the phrase I gave but I don't get any spoken answer. Does not seem to be a sound system issue since when I go to dialogflow console training/history there is no trace of the call, so I assume the call din't reach dialogflow. One more thing my dialgflow app is in French. Any idea how I could find where is the issue ?


  • The Google Assistant SDK gives you the ability to programmatically make audio requests to the Google Assistant. In ordinary usage you won't be using Dialogflow at all.

    All requests to the Assistant can be seen by looking at your activity so you can see if there is an audio response.

    The audio requirements for the Google Assistant SDK library include ALSA, which may or may not be available on your computer.