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How to force binding property through custom mask in Angular 5

I am dealing with masking some inputs to be a currency format. I found a nice plugin which works fine at the moment.

Every time something is written in the <input> using the keyboard the mask work just fine.

But I have a selection of buttons underneath the input label which provides some default "hint" values for the user to click.

When one of this buttons is clicked I am calling click() callback to bind the property behind, and that is working but the mask is not being applied.

How can I update the input to apply the mask to the binding property??

I am using Ionic framework 3, angular 5

my html:

<form [formGroup]="ammountForm">
    <ion-item class="input-item">
      <ion-input type="tel" [textMask]="{mask: ammountMask, guide: false}" placeholder="Ingresa el valor" formControlName="ammount"

    <ion-item class="err-hint" no-lines *ngIf="ammountForm.controls.ammount.invalid">
      <p>La cantidad ingresada no es correcta</p>

      <ion-slide class="def-slide" *ngFor="let ammount of defaultAmmounts">
        <button (click)="onSlideClick(ammount)" class="slide-btn" ion-button color="light-blue-grey" outline>${{ammount}}</button>
    <button class="continue-btn" color="cornflowerblue" [disabled]="ammountForm.controls.ammount.invalid" ion-button [full]="isMobile ? '' : null"

this is where I pass the mask (ammountMask) to the input:

<ion-input type="tel" [textMask]="{mask: ammountMask, guide: false}" placeholder="Ingresa el valor" formControlName="ammount"

and the call back in my ts file, where the binding happens:

onSlideClick(ammount: number) {
   this.ammount = ammount;

here are some pictures to give you an idea.

entering input from keyboard

entering input from click event

Any ideas on how to address this matter will be highly appreciated

EDIT: this is where I declare the masks to use

import createNumberMask from 'text-mask-addons/dist/createNumberMask'

ngOnInit() {
this.phoneMask = BdbMaskProvider.phoneMask;
this.ammountMask = createNumberMask({})


  • Thanks to @DainiusLuksa for pointing out the issue,

    I got another work around suggested on the same thread

    I had to modify the syntax to access the native element of an ionic component:

    @ViewChild('ammountRef', { read: ElementRef}) inputElement: any;
    onSlideClick(ammt: number) {
    //set value to form control in order get the validators
    //fire event to force new input through mask
    if (this.inputElement != undefined) {
      const input = this.inputElement.nativeElement;
      input.value = ammt;
      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));

    and in Html add the selector:

    <ion-input id="ammtRef" type="tel" [textMask]="{mask: ammountMask, guide: false}" placeholder="Ingresa el valor" formControlName="ammount"

    If you are working with FormGroup make sure you set the value programatically as well, as the validators won't work just by setting the input element