I am dealing with masking some inputs to be a currency format. I found a nice plugin which works fine at the moment.
Every time something is written in the <input>
using the keyboard the mask work just fine.
But I have a selection of buttons
underneath the input
label which provides some default "hint" values for the user to click.
When one of this buttons is clicked I am calling click()
callback to bind the property behind, and that is working but the mask is not being applied.
How can I update the input to apply the mask to the binding property??
I am using Ionic framework 3, angular 5
my html:
<form [formGroup]="ammountForm">
<ion-item class="input-item">
<ion-input type="tel" [textMask]="{mask: ammountMask, guide: false}" placeholder="Ingresa el valor" formControlName="ammount"
<ion-item class="err-hint" no-lines *ngIf="ammountForm.controls.ammount.invalid">
<p>La cantidad ingresada no es correcta</p>
<ion-slide class="def-slide" *ngFor="let ammount of defaultAmmounts">
<button (click)="onSlideClick(ammount)" class="slide-btn" ion-button color="light-blue-grey" outline>${{ammount}}</button>
<button class="continue-btn" color="cornflowerblue" [disabled]="ammountForm.controls.ammount.invalid" ion-button [full]="isMobile ? '' : null"
this is where I pass the mask (ammountMask) to the input:
<ion-input type="tel" [textMask]="{mask: ammountMask, guide: false}" placeholder="Ingresa el valor" formControlName="ammount"
and the call back in my ts file, where the binding happens:
onSlideClick(ammount: number) {
this.ammount = ammount;
here are some pictures to give you an idea.
Any ideas on how to address this matter will be highly appreciated
EDIT: this is where I declare the masks to use
import createNumberMask from 'text-mask-addons/dist/createNumberMask'
ngOnInit() {
this.phoneMask = BdbMaskProvider.phoneMask;
this.ammountMask = createNumberMask({})
Thanks to @DainiusLuksa for pointing out the issue,
I got another work around suggested on the same thread
I had to modify the syntax to access the native element of an ionic component:
@ViewChild('ammountRef', { read: ElementRef}) inputElement: any;
onSlideClick(ammt: number) {
//set value to form control in order get the validators
//fire event to force new input through mask
if (this.inputElement != undefined) {
const input = this.inputElement.nativeElement;
input.value = ammt;
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
and in Html add the selector:
<ion-input id="ammtRef" type="tel" [textMask]="{mask: ammountMask, guide: false}" placeholder="Ingresa el valor" formControlName="ammount"
If you are working with FormGroup make sure you set the value programatically as well, as the validators won't work just by setting the input element