findMult lst n = [x | x <- lst, x `mod` n == 0]
primes num =
let n = [2..num]
x = ceiling (sqrt num)
nsqrt = [2..x]
not_prime = map (findMult n) nsqrt
in diff2 n (concat not_prime)
has the following problem when i try to run it
Ambiguous type variable `t' in the constraints:
`RealFrac t' arising from a use of `primes' at <interactive>:1:0-8
`Floating t' arising from a use of `primes' at <interactive>:1:0-8
`Integral t' arising from a use of `primes' at <interactive>:1:0-8
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
I tried using fromIntegral but i don't think i used correctly as that gives me compilation error. Please help.
The purpose of this is to find all the prime numbers up until num.
You get error messages like this when you use an integral value where a floating value was expected (or vice versa).
In this case the problem is that you're calling sqrt
, which takes a floating point value as an argument, on num
making the compiler think num
is a floating point value. But also use num
as an upper limit for n
, which is a list of integral values (because it's used as an argument to findMult
which needs a list of integral values).
So before calling sqrt
on num
call fromIntegral
on it, like this:
x = ceiling (sqrt (fromIntegral num))