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Sonar MSBuild: Getting coverage reports on Linux

I have managed to perform static code analysis for a .NET core project using SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild, on a debian:stretch docker container.

I am now trying to produce a coverage report.

Unless I am wrong, the relevant guidelines hint that you cannot just use an existing report, but rather follow a dynamic process of

  • beginning the analysis by pointing to the report (to be done) path
  • running the actual coverage via one of the following tools:

a) Visual Studio Code Coverage

b) dotCover

c) OpenCover

  • importing the report
  • ending the analysis initiated by msbuild

My question is whether it is possible to run the above process on Linux (haven't managed to do so yet or find any resources)


  • Coverage reporting as also SonarQube integration is possible thanx to minicover.

    Minicover now uses mini-OpenCover to generate (and upload to a SQ server) SQ-compatible coverage reports; The procedure that should be followed more or less, scripted:

    (assuming tools is the folder that performs the nugget installation for minicover)

    echo "Starting sonarqube integration"
    mono /home/pathTo/SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:"MyProject" /"http://localhost:9000" /d:sonar.login="myLoginId" /d:sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths="coverage.xml"
    dotnet restore
    dotnet build
    cd tools
    export "MiniCover=dotnet minicover"
    # Instrument assemblies inside 'MyTestFolder' folder to detect hits for source files inside 'MySrcFolder' folder
    $MiniCover instrument --workdir ../ --assemblies MyTestFolder/**/bin/**/*.dll --sources MySrcFolder/**/*.cs 
    # Reset hits count in case minicover was run for this project  
    $MiniCover reset
    cd ..    
    dotnet test --no-build ./MyTestFolder/MyTest.csproj
    cd tools    
    # Uninstrument assemblies, it's important if you're going to publish or deploy build outputs
    $MiniCover uninstrument --workdir ../
    # Create html reports inside folder coverage-html
    $MiniCover opencoverreport --workdir ../ --threshold 90
    # Print opencover report
    $MiniCover opencoverreport --workdir ../ --threshold 90
    cd ..
    echo "Ending sonarqube integration..."
    mono /home/pathTo/SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe end /d:sonar.login="myLoginId"

    More extensive discussion/details can be found on this and this threads.