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Yii2 migrate Setting unknown property: yii\caching\FileCache::backuprestore

I know how the migrate works, and have created migrations files before, so I created my migrate file like this:

php yii migrate/create implants_type

it gives me:


use yii\db\Migration;

class m180403_081742_implants_type extends Migration
    public function up()


    public function down()
        echo "m180403_081742_implants_type cannot be reverted.\n";

        return false;

    // Use safeUp/safeDown to run migration code within a transaction
    public function safeUp()

    public function safeDown()


php yii migrate/create create_implants_type_table

and I updated the file that generated like this:


use yii\db\Migration;

class m180403_081750_create_implants_type_table extends Migration
    public function up()
        $this->createTable('implants_type_table', [
            'id' => $this->primaryKey(),


    public function down()

then I used

./yii migrate

but an error occurred:

Exception 'yii\base\UnknownPropertyException' with message 'Setting unknown property: yii\caching\FileCache::backuprestore'

I updated my composer now, and the problem still exists.


  • Seems you have improperly configured cache component. Double-check your console configuration: search backuprestore in your project end remove this setting from configuration - there is no such property in official cache components, so you probably messed up something.

    This is probably unrelated to migrations - db component just tries to use cache component to cache DB schema, which triggers this error.