Let's say we have the excel file and in A1 we have formula = 1+1+1
. So excel shows 3 however you can do 'Text to Columns' and value 1 will be in A1, B1 & C1.
Is there anything we can do in R after data import (I use read.xlsx) to get the same result (1,1,1 as oppose to just 3)?
Just to confirm, the original df is 1x1 with value 3 and the desired outcome is df 1x3 with 1 in all 3 cells.
Not the full answer, but should get you started. If we have this example file:
We can use openxlsx package to get the formula:
# read as workbook object
wb <- loadWorkbook("test.xlsx")
# get the 1st sheet
sheet1 <- wb$worksheets[[1]]
# get the cell formulas
# [1] NA "<f>1+1+1</f>" NA
Here, we can see the formula, the second item in sheet1$sheet_data$f
. Meaning 1st column 2nd row. The rest of the job is to parse it into data.frame columns.