I am trying to make a Sign up form with validation. I add some php code to my html and css code. Everything is good. It validates if the user or email already exists. If the validation passed then the data will be save in the database but its not working. I don't know what's the problem.
Here's my code:
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
require 'connect.php';
$username = ($_POST['username']);
$email = ($_POST['email']);
$password = ($_POST['password']);
$passwordconf = ($_POST['passwordconf']);
$errorfields = "<p class='errormsg'>Please fill out all the fields!</p>";
if (empty($username) || empty($email) || empty($password) ||
echo "$errorfields";
$check = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT username FROM users WHERE
username='$username' ");
if (mysqli_num_rows($check) >= 1) {
echo "username already exists"."</br>". "</br>";
$erroremail = "<p class='errormsg'>Email is not in name@domain format! </p>";
$regex = "/^[a-z0-9]+([_.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+.[a-z]{2,}$/i";
if(!preg_match($regex, $email))
echo "$erroremail";
$errorpassword = "<p class='errormsg'>You passwords do not match!</p>";
if ($password != $passwordconf)
echo "$errorpassword";
$check = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT email FROM users WHERE email='$email' ");
if (mysqli_num_rows($check) >= 1) {
echo "email already exists";
} else {
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost' , 'root', '');
if(!$con) {
echo "not connected";
if (!mysqli_select_db($con, "new accounts")) {
echo "database not selected";
$username= (isset($_POST['username']));
$email= (isset($_POST['email']));
$password= (isset($_POST['password']));
mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO users (username, email, password) VALUE ('$username', '$email', '$password')") or die ( "cannot insert in databse");
First, I wrote $username = ($_POST['username'])
then it shows me error so I change it to this. it didn't show me errors but its not inserting anything in database. Can someone tell me how can I fix this problem? Thanks.
The short answer is:
Your code is inserting the boolean result values from isset()
, which of course is not your intent. Remove the isset()
call and declare the submitted values.
HOWEVER, there is much to fix with your code.
This is as generous as I am willing to be for a code block with so many issues:
if (isset($_POST['submit']) {
if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['password']) || empty($_POST['passwordconf'])) {
$error = "<p class='errormsg'>Please fill out all the fields!</p>";
} elseif ($_POST['password'] !== $_POST['passwordconf']) {
$error = "<p class='errormsg'>You passwords do not match!</p>";
} elseif (!filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
$error = "<p class='errormsg'>Email is not in name@domain format!</p>";
} else {
require 'connect.php'; // implement object-oriented $con variable
if ($stmt=$con->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?")) {
if ($stmt->bind_param('s', $_POST['username']) && $stmt->execute() && $stmt->store_result()) {
if ($stmt->num_rows) {
$error = "<p class='errormsg'>Username already exists</p>";
} else {
$error = "<p class='errormsg'>Username Check Statement Error</p>"; // $stmt->error
} else {
$error = "<p class='errormsg'>Username Check Prepare Error</p>"; // $con->error;
if ($stmt=$con->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=?")) {
if ($stmt->bind_param('s', $_POST['email']) && $stmt->execute() && $stmt->store_result()) {
if ($stmt->num_rows) {
$error = "<p class='errormsg'>Email already exists</p>";
} else {
$error = "<p class='errormsg'>Email Check Statement Error</p>"; // $stmt->error
} else {
$error = "<p class='errormsg'>Email Check Prepare Error</p>"; // $con->error;
if ($error) {
echo $error;
} else {
// Perform your insert with $_POST['username'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['password'] , but DO NOT EVER, EVER, EVER store raw passwords...
// This subject is too extensive and gathers too much scrutiny for me to dare to post any hard-fast lines of code on StackOverflow
// Every minute that you spend researching this topic is time well spent.
// Not learning about cryptography and password security will lead to many, many unfortunate events for you and your users.
So, generally speaking: