I have to generate xml file for the format of encoding="UTF-8. I used bcp queryout. xml file was generating. But my issue was the xml file validation fail. could any one help me to resolve this? This is my code.
DECLARE @xmlBody AS VARCHAR(MAX)= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'+ CAST(@xmlStr AS VARCHAR(MAX))
INSERT INTO [dbo].[MasterXml]
([PurchaseOrderID] ,[Code])
values (@PurchaseOrderID, @xmlBody)
Declare @command varchar(8000)
SET @command= 'bcp "SELECT TOP 1 [Code] from [tec_Dev].[dbo].[MasterXml] where PurchaseOrderID='+
CAST( @PurchaseOrderID As varchar(20))+'" queryout '
+@uploadFolder + CAST(@PurchaseOrderID AS varchar(20))+'.xml' +' -T -N -w -c -C65001'
print @command
EXEC xp_cmdshell @command
I found solution
+@uploadFolder + CAST(@PurchaseOrderID AS varchar(20))+'.xml' +' -T -N -w -c -C65001'
I remove the -w from the code. then it works. But it works only for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (SP2-CU6) (KB4019094) - 12.0.5553.0 (X64).