I'm on appium 1.7.2 with python-client and trying to click on same element 3 times within 2 seconds. To do it I have tried to change "actionAcknowledgmentTimeout" to 400 milliseconds (found in docs). I guess default backend is UIAutomator2. So is it a bug or UIAutomator2 doesn't support actionAcknowledgmentTimeout? Appreciate any pointers
cfg = Config.instance()
self.driver = webdriver.Remote(
desired_capabilities= {
"app": cfg.apk_path,
"platformName": cfg.platform_name,
"platformVersion": cfg.platform_version,
"deviceName": cfg.device_name
# inject Id
self.session_id = self.driver.session_id
# tweak delays
androidTimeoutParams = {
"settings": {
"actionAcknowledgmentTimeout": 400,
self.driver.execute(MobileCommand.UPDATE_SETTINGS, androidTimeoutParams)
# check what we have after update
settings = self.driver.execute(MobileCommand.GET_SETTINGS, {})
Based on logs default timeout between clicks is ~3s.
Sample code which clicks.
el = self.driver.find_element(*Locators.HIDDEN_BUTTON)
#three taps on hidden menu
el.click() # expect 400 ms timeout but get 3000ms
el.click() # same
el.click() # same.
Update based on the accepted answer. Following code snippet works just fine without any extra moves.
action = TouchAction(self.driver)
Try to use Touch actions TouchActions Python and use something similar to press(...).release().press(...).release().....