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MS Access pass through dependent on form value

How do I assign a pass-through query to Row Source that is dependent on another value in the form?

Essentially I want to do this:

SELECT x.companyid, 
  FROM x
 WHERE (((x.CompanyID) = [Forms]![Reporting]![CompanyID_Control]))
ORDER BY x.productid;

But of course pass-through queries do not support reference to any form controls.

I have read here that there is a method via VBA, however I do not know how to use VBA in conjunction with the Row Source of a control.


  • As Remou stated in his answer, linked tables will make this easier. However, if you have a pass-through query named MyQuery, you can do the following to make the RowSource of a MyComboOrListBox control update dynamically when the value of the CompanyID_Control changes:

    Private Sub CompanyID_Control_AfterUpdate()
    Dim SQL As String, qdf AS DAO.QueryDef
        Set qdf = CurrentDB.QueryDefs("MyQuery")
        qdf.SQL = " SELECT  x.companyid, x.companyname, x.productid " & _
                  " FROM x " & _
                  " WHERE x.CompanyID =" & Me.CompanyID_Control & _
                  " ORDER BY x.productid;"
        Me.MyComboOrListBox.RowSource = "MyQuery"
    End Sub

    You'll also need to set the AfterUpdate property of the CompanyID_Control to:
    [Event Procedure].

    Note that even if you use linked tables as Remou suggested, you will still need code in the AfterUpdate event of the CompanyID_Control to refresh your combobox/listbox RowSource:

    Private Sub CompanyID_Control_AfterUpdate()
    End Sub