I have a trouble with styling my components. When i built my structure like this:
<dom-module id="content-area">
<my-button class='red'>Hello</my-button>
<my-button class='green'>Hello</my-button>
And how i style it with external html file custom-style.html
<style is="custom-style">
:host(.red) {
color: red;
:host(.green) {
color: green;
What did i do wrong ? Any advice ?
In order to use a custom-style, which you may share with your all components: As @Alberto Marin explained, include the style file
<link rel="import" href="custom-style.html">
<dom-module id="content-area">
<style include="custom-stle">
<my-button class='red'>Hello</my-button>
<my-button class='green'>Hello</my-button>
And at custom-style.html wrap your style block in and elements, like this:
<dom-module id="custom-style">
<!-- Your shared styles -->