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How to highlight Java syntax in a textview?

I know this is an old question but answers available are either not working or depreciated for the newer versions of android. please provide a solution which will work in Android 5.0 and above.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    TextView textView = findViewById(;

    String javacode="import java.util.Scanner;\n" +
            "class Addigit\n" +
            "{\n" +
            "public static void main(String args[])\n" +
            "{\n" +
            "Scanner sc=new Scanner(;\n" +
            "System.out.println(\"enter the no..\");\n" +
            "int n=sc.nextInt();\n" +
            "int fd=n%10;\n" +
            "int rd=n/10;\n" +
            "int sd=rd%10;\n" +
            "rd=rd/10;\n" +
            "int td=rd%10;\n" +
            "System.out.println((fd+sd+td));\n" +
            "}\n" +


how to highlight the syntax just like stackoverflow is doing with this java code or similar to what Android studio does.


  • Try to Use this

    String javacode="Your Java Code";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("float"); //Java keyword
    Matcher m = pattern.matcher(javacode);
    SpannableString str = new SpannableString(javacode);
    while (m.find()) {
    str.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.YELLOW), m.start(), m.end()-1, 0);                       