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VLCKit-based app prevents screensaver

I've recently built a simple Swift macOS app based upon VLCKit; its purpose is mainly to play IP camera streams via RTSP in a window that stays always visible on screen (i.e. to monitor a gate).

Given the purpose of the app, I keep the streaming playing all the time, except when the user minimizes it in the Dock (meaning that I only call mediaPlayer?.stop in viewDidDisappear).

The app works very well, but I've recently discovered that, unless it is minimized (and, as a consequence, the playback is already stopped), something prevents the screensaver from running.

I've tried subscribing to all NSNotificationCenter* notifications, and I've realized that when the playback is running, none of them is fired; if I minimize the app and stop the playback, everything behaves normally (screensaver starts after the regular delay, all the notifications are properly detected).

I've also tried running pmset -g to check if my app was listed as preventing sleep, but it's not.

My impression, but I might be wrong, is that my instance of VLCMediaPlayer by default prevents the screensaver launch.

I know that in the VLC Mac app the screensaver can be manually prevented via an advanced setting, but I can't seem to be able to find a parameter to set in my code to tell VLCKit to stop blocking the screensaver.

To your knowledge, by default VLCKit prevents the screensaver from running? Is there a way to alter that behavior?

Please let me know if you need any further detail... and thanks in advance!


  • It turned out VLCKit does actually prevent the screensaver from running by default, and that it doesn't use libvlc to do so, so the libvlc option "--no-disable-screensaver" I was at one point trying to pass was not respected.

    The solution was to comment out a UpdateSystemActivity() function call on line 1409 of VLCMediaPlayer.m, as suggested to me here.