When my users try to do an action our website after their session has expired (for instance, if they left their browser open), the server responds with a HTTP Status 405 because the user is no longer logged in.
When this happens, I want to redirect the user to the login screen.
How can I recognize when a 405 error code is returned within GWT so I can then redirect the users?
Edit: Here's the filter I'm using:
public class AuthenticationFilter implements Filter {
public void destroy() {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res,
FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
if (req instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
boolean isLoggedIn = CustomSecurity.login((HttpServletRequest)req);
if (isLoggedIn) {
// TODO: How to redirect the user here???
chain.doFilter(req, res);
public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
web.xml content:
<filter-name>Authentication Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Authentication Filter</filter-name>
How can I make that redirect the user? Also, is there a way to force the whole browser to redirect? Since this goes into a widget, I think a Window.Location.assign('url') will only redirect the widget's HTML content.
I currently work on a GWT application that does something very similar to what you are asking. However, we handle these redirects in a standard javax.servlet.Filter subclass that we define in our web.xml as per usual and it is mapped to /* so it catches all requests (we use this filter for many other reasons as well).
I don't know if you are also using a Filter or perhaps even just some sort of catch-all Servlet in your GWT app, but if you are then the solution to your issue is quite easy. You will have a handle to the HttpServletRequest and you can see if the getSession(false) method returns null then you know that the user who sent the request no longer has a session. Then you can just do a standard response.sendRedirect(...) to your login page.