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How to handle reader's FlatFileParseException from slave step

I have spring batch job application which parse many csv file containing User details. To parse User details I have a LineMapper which parse from csv file.

So first master step reader reads all file from location and then using Partitioner I have slave steps. All slave steps parallel executed. These slave steps parse each file for User details row by row. After processing it moves processed file to Processed folder.

During testing I kept some wrong value in a file which is causing FlatFileParseException by reader of slave step. Here I would like to move this file to another folder like Failed folder. But I am not able to do this.

How I should write files to Failed folder if any slave step reader fails to parse?

I am using Spring Boot, Spring Batch annotation based


FlatFileParseException: Parsing error at line: 10 in resource

JobExecutionException: Partition handler returned an unsuccessful step


@Bean(name = "partitionerJob")
  public Job partitionerJob() 
  throws UnexpectedInputException,           MalformedURLException, ParseException {
    return jobs.get("partitioningJob")

public Step partitionStep() 
  throws UnexpectedInputException,     MalformedURLException, ParseException {
    return steps.get("partitionStep")
      .partitioner("slaveStep", partitioner())

    public CustomMultiResourcePartitioner partitioner() {
      CustomMultiResourcePartitioner partitioner 
  = new CustomMultiResourcePartitioner();
      Resource[] resources;
      try {
        resources = resoursePatternResolver
       } catch (IOException e) {
         throw new RuntimeException("I/O problems when resolving"
          + " the input file pattern.", e);
        return partitioner;

public FlatFileItemReader<Transaction> itemReader(
  @Value("#{stepExecutionContext[fileName]}") String     filename)
  throws UnexpectedInputException, ParseException {

     return new UserDetailReader(fileName);

    public ItemWriter<Transaction> itemWriter(Marshaller     
   marshaller , 
       @Value("#{stepExecutionContext[opFileName]}")     String 
   filename )
       throws MalformedURLException {
         return new UserDetailWriter(fileName);

public Step slaveStep() 
  throws UnexpectedInputException,     MalformedURLException, ParseException {
    return steps.get("slaveStep").<User, User>chunk(5)
  .writer(itemWriter(marshaller(), null))

public class CustomMultiResourcePartitioner implements Partitioner {

    public Map<String, ExecutionContext> partition(int      gridSize) {
        Map<String, ExecutionContext> map = new      HashMap<>(gridSize);
        int i = 0, k = 1;
        for (Resource resource : resources) {
        ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext();
        Assert.state(resource.exists(), "Resource does not     exist: "
              + resource);
        context.putString(keyName, resource.getFilename());
        map.put(PARTITION_KEY + i, context);
       return map;

Thanks for help


  • You can use skip & skipLimit attributes while defining your step.

    Below is sample configuration. Now your slave Step will not fail until the skipLimit is reached.

    public Step slaveStep() 
      throws UnexpectedInputException,     MalformedURLException, ParseException {
        return steps.get("slaveStep").<User, User>chunk(5)
      .writer(itemWriter(marshaller(), null))  

    Move the file to Failed folder

    You can define StepExecutionListener for your slaveStep. in after step method you can get All FailureExceptions for that step. Using that you can put your logic for moving file

    Sample code

    public class MyStepListener implements  StepExecutionListener {
        public void beforeStep(StepExecution stepExecution) {
  "MyStepListener beforeStep "+ stepExecution.getSummary());
        public ExitStatus afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution) {
            List<Throwable> failureExceptions = stepExecution.getFailureExceptions();
            // move file from one folder to another
            return null;