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How to fetch Shopify store orders using Shopify's API

I'm struggling to import the orders for a Shopify development store using the httr package in R. Here's what I've tried.

  1. I've created a development store and made some fake orders.
  2. Within my development store, I added a private app and generated my API key and Password
  3. Following this article, I tried implementing the following request


apikey <- "foo"
pass <- "bar"

shop <- GET(
  url = "", 
  authenticate(user = apikey, password = pass)

But this gives a 401 status code. However, this works but returns xml instead of json

shop <- GET(
  url = "", 
  authenticate(user = apikey, password = pass)

How can I retrieve the results as JSON instead of XML?

Note that I can also fetch the orders using the R package shopifyr but would rather not use that package as it is no longer maintained.


  • Update 2019-05-13

    I created an R package called shopr for querying data via the Shopify API. Fetching orders looks like this

      shopURL = "", 
      APIKey = "abc123", 
      APIPassword = "def456"

    Old Answer

    Figured it out.

    orders <- GET(
      url = "",
      add_headers(Accept = "application/json"),
      authenticate(user = apikey, password = pass)

    The trick was to explicitly put "https://..." in the url otherwise httr was prepending "http://" to the url, causing my 401 problem.