I am looking for a chart which will show one circle around that time like 12:00, 01:00 like. Which fills with some colors based on time of activity. I found this link Create Doughnut Chart Similar to Google Fit but it isn't fit for my requirements.
Please find image below. This is how I am expecting the chart.
Here these colors represent some activity based on timings. I have a set of data with a timestamp and it's activity type.
Can anyone suggest to me how I can draw this chart? Is there any example for this?
I found this link http://www.androidtrainee.com/draw-android-clock-pie-chart-with-animation/ to draw clock pie view. But stuck at point to set width and fill color like in above image. Right now it's fill different color based on time in full circle. But how do I set width to this clock to fill color and center part blank to show 08:40?
Since these are very specific requirements, it is likely that you will have to create your own custom view on Android. The SO you linked has a few promising libraries linked including fit-chart. The documentation isn't great, but it seems to support adding chart parts with values in 1% steps.
So you would only need to convert your duration data into percent of the circle by using 60 minutes or 12 hours as 100%.
Here is the relevant usage part of fit-chart:
Collection<FitChartValue> values = new ArrayList<>();
values.add(new FitChartValue(30f, 0x2d4302)); // 30f seems to represent 30%
final FitChart fitChart = (FitChart)findViewById(R.id.fitChart);
Another library that looks promising is MPAndroidChart that supports a detailed Pie Chart.
Regarding taking time into account: There are plenty of tutorials on how to draw an analogue clock that should include calculation on how to position the texts around the circle. Here is one SO creating a CustomClock
View with multiple tutorials linked.
Regarding setting up your custom view, this 2d-donut-chart tutorial drawing a chart based on Path.arcTo
covers all the needed steps.
If you need further help it would be helpful if you add your data structure and what you already tried. But I hope with these libraries and tutorials you can create your desired view.
Regarding updated question: I would suggest that you create your own custom view. My best suggestion is to continue by comparing the ClockPieView.onDraw
with the draw methods of the other libraries I mentioned that do draw a doughnut graph with a hole. Research how text can be rendered as part of the onDraw with your specific positioning.