I have SQL Server 2008 to which I can connect using domain user credentials. There are many computers in the network and if I login under that domain user I can successfully connect to SQL Server (using Windows Authentication).
The problem is when I use PowerShell remoting and establish remote session from computer A to computer B. When I run our dbtool
that tries to connect to SqlServer (in remote session) "login failed for NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON
" error occurs.
It's strange, because I establish remote session under same domain user. Why ANONYMOUS
is being passesd to SqlServer?
Thanks for help
And once again I'm answering my own question due to lack of other answers.
Computers communication chain: A -> B -> C
So the problem is indeed with Kerberos authorization delegation feature (more there: http://alt.pluralsight.com/wiki/default.aspx/Keith.GuideBook/WhatIsDelegation.html). When I establish remote session from computer A
to computer B
, computer B
sends to computer C
null session
(because delegation is disalloved). Thats why SQL Server on computer C
My current workaround is to talk to SQL Server from computer A
(copy necessary utilities there), because I have no way to enable delegation. For this scenarion computer A
sends correct authorization token to computer C