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Scala : EndoMonoids Function composition and Associativity Rules

I was going through the laws that govern Monoids and one of the two laws state that the append operation must be associative. For function composition this means that for all functions X->X given there are 3 functions f,g and h (f∘g)∘h=f∘(g∘h)

In scalaz I see that there is a type called EndoMonoid and it uses compose for appends which is different from the way normal function compositions work

val f : Int => Int = x => x*x 
val g : Int => Int = y => y + 1 

val e = f.endo |+| g.endo
val d = g.endo |+| f.endo

e run 10
Int = 121

d run 10
Int = 101

As can be seen from the above results that the functions don't satisfy the associative property. Does this mean that not all functions of type X -> X is a monoid?


  • What you claim cannot be seen from your example.

    Your example only proves that function composition is not commutative. But function composition never was supposed to be commutative: if it were commutative, all math and programming would catastrophically collapse to counting the number of occurrences of basic operations (that is, if "counting" itself would somehow survive that... I'm not sure whether it's possible).

    To demonstrate an example of associativity, you need a third function h: Int => Int, and then you have to compare

     (f.endo |+| g.endo) |+| h.endo


     f.endo |+| (g.endo |+| h.endo)

    exactly as the rule (that you yourself have just quoted!) states.

    Every set of endomorphisms is always a monoid, because categories are essentially just "monoids with many objects", whereas monoids are just "categories with a single object". If you take any category and then look at the endomorphisms at a single object, you automatically, by definition, obtain a monoid. That's in particular true for the canonical ambient "category" of ordinary functions. [Here should come the usual disclaimer that it's not really a category, and that in every real programming language nothing is really true]