I'm writing a document in rMarkdown and I need to format a table before producing a PDF. The issue is that I'm having trouble inserting a new line in my kable
headers that have been added using the add_headers_above
Currently the text "Month (persons)" - which is the first header added with that command - appears as one line. I'd like to break that so that a new line is inserted between "Month" and "(persons)".
The motivation is simply to save horizontal page space so that I can fit two tables size by size on one A4 sheet.
I've tried to include \n
in the add_headers_above
[...] %>%
add_header_above(c(" ", 'Month \n (persons)' = 1, "TTY \n (persons)" = 1, "TTY \n (% chg.)" = 1))
But that hasn't worked.
output: pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
df <- tribble(~Location, ~Jan_Qrt, ~Jan_year, ~growth,
"New South Wales", 16000, 403300, 3.30,
"Victoria", -21200, 134100, 3.50,
"Queensland", 2100, 100200, 3.20,
"South Australia", 19700, 117900, 5.00,
"Western Australia", 5300, 13200, 1.60,
"Tasmania", -8900, 24300, 1.90,
"Northern Territory", -400, 5700, 2.40,
"Australian Cap", 300, -4300, -3.10,
"Australia", 800, 10600, 4.80)
kable(df, format = 'latex', booktabs = T, align = 'r') %>%
kable_styling(full_width = F, font_size = 8) %>%
row_spec(row = 9, bold = TRUE) %>%
add_header_above(c(" ", 'Month (persons)' = 1, "TTY (persons)" = 1, "TTY (% chg.)" = 1))
For now, you will have to write some raw latex code by yourself.
As the answer in https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/2441/how-to-add-a-forced-line-break-inside-a-table-cell suggested, you can try to use the makecell
package. To do that, you can load the latex package using kableExtra::usepackage_latex()
and then hack it through setting escape = F
in add_header_above
kable(df, format = 'latex', booktabs = T, align = 'r') %>%
kable_styling(full_width = F, font_size = 8) %>%
row_spec(row = 9, bold = TRUE) %>%
add_header_above(c(" ",
'\\\\thead{Month\\\\\\\\(persons)}' = 1,
"\\\\thead{TTY\\\\\\\\(persons)}" = 1,
"\\\\thead{TTY\\\\\\\\(\\\\% chg.)}" = 1),
escape = F)
Never mind the latex mess above, I made it work in the dev version of kableExtra
. Now you just do
mtcars[1:5, 1:5] %>%
kable("latex", booktabs = T) %>%
add_header_above(c(" ", "aa\na" = 2, "bbb" = 3))