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Smooth running marquee text in excel

I am creating a marquee text in Excel 2013. As the Microsoft Web Browser Control doesn't work in Excel 2013 and 2016, so I used the following VBA code:

Sub DoMarquee()
    Dim sMarquee As String
    Dim iWidth As Integer 
    Dim iPosition As Integer
    Dim rCell As Range 
    Dim iCurPos As Integer 

    'Set the message to be displayed in this cell
    sMarquee = "This is a scrolling Marquee." 

    'Set the cell width (how many characters you want displayed at once
    iWidth = 10

    'Which cell are we doing this in?
    Set rCell = Sheet1.Range("M2") 

    'determine where we are now with the message. InStr will return the position
    ' of the first character where the current cell value is in the marquee message 
    iCurPos = InStr(1, sMarquee, rCell.Value)

    'If we are position 0, then there is no message, so start over 
    ' otherwise, bump the message to the next characterusing mid 
    If iCurPos = 0 Then 
        'Start it over 
        rCell.Value = Mid(sMarquee, 1, iWidth) Else 
        'bump it
        rCell.Value = Mid(sMarquee, iCurPos + 1, iWidth) 
    End If 

    'Set excel up to run this thing again in a second or two or whatever 
    Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "DoMarquee" 

End Sub

It is reflecting in excel every second, is there a way to reflect in milliseconds so that it can show some smooth running. And more issue is, it again starts only after scrolling completely. Is there anyway to make it in a scroll continuously with waiting for the entire text to scroll.


  • For your sub second functionality use an API call.

    Option Explicit
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Public Sub DoMarquee()
        Dim sMarquee As String
        Dim iWidth As Long
        Dim iPosition As Long
        Dim rCell As Range
        Dim iCurPos As Long
        sMarquee = "This is a scrolling Marquee."
        iWidth = 10
        Set rCell = Sheet1.Range("M2")
        iCurPos = InStr(1, sMarquee, rCell.Value)
        If iCurPos = 0 Then
            rCell.Value = Mid(sMarquee, 1, iWidth)
            rCell.Value = Mid(sMarquee, iCurPos + 1, iWidth)
        End If
        Sleep 100
        Application.Run "DoMarquee"
    End Sub

    Drop the PtrSafe if on 32 bit machine so becomes:

    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)


    1) A number of users have noted out of stack space messages to frequency of calls.

    @Sorceri has correctly pointed out you can re-work as:

    Set rCell = Nothing
    Sleep 100
    Application.OnTime Now, "DoMarquee"

    2) I was unaware of the letter by letter part so I will refer you to his/her answer on the pulling of iWidth into global variable.

    That in mind, you may wish to amend the following to take account of @Sorceri's iWidth; I have the following version 2 "fudge" for the hyperlink, amended for out-of-stack, and which includes a test for 32 v 64 bit versions to ensure compatibility. More info on compatibility here.

    Version 2:

    Option Explicit
    #If Win64 Then
        Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
        Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    #End If
    Public Sub DoMarquee()
        Dim sMarquee As String
        Dim iWidth As Long
        Dim iPosition As Long
        Dim rCell As Range
        Dim iCurPos As Long
        sMarquee = "This is a scrolling Marquee."
        iWidth = 10   
        Set rCell = Sheet1.Range("M2")
        rCell.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=rCell, Address:="", TextToDisplay:=rCell.Text      
        rCell.Font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1 
        iCurPos = InStr(1, sMarquee, rCell.Value)
        If iCurPos = 0 Then
            rCell.Value = Mid(sMarquee, 1, iWidth)
            rCell.Hyperlinks(1).TextToDisplay = rCell.Text
            FormatCell rCell
            rCell.Value = Mid(sMarquee, iCurPos + 1, iWidth)
            On Error Resume Next
            rCell.Hyperlinks(1).TextToDisplay = rCell.Text
            On Error GoTo 0
            FormatCell rCell
        End If
        Set rCell = Nothing      
        Sleep 100
        Application.OnTime Now, "DoMarquee"
    End Sub
    Public Sub FormatCell(ByVal rng As Range)
        With rng.Font
            .Name = "Calibri"
            .Size = 11
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
            .Color = 16711680
        End With
    End Sub