Currently i'm about to figure out, what my Problem with WiFi direct in a UWP app on Windows 10 IoT Core is. The Goal is to let a StreamSocketListener accept incoming Connections from WiFi-direct. This works well for the first Connection i make, the second request to the StreamSocketListener destroys the WiFi-direct session and it disconnects. As a side note, i have to use the legacy WiFi-Direct implementation with SSID and Passphrase. Here is some sample Code
WiFi Direct publisher
WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisher _publisher = new WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisher();
_publisher.StatusChanged += OnStatusChanged;
WiFiDirectConnectionListener _listener = new WiFiDirectConnectionListener();
_listener.ConnectionRequested += OnConnectionRequested;
_publisher.Advertisement.ListenStateDiscoverability = WiFiDirectAdvertisementListenStateDiscoverability.Normal;
_publisher.Advertisement.IsAutonomousGroupOwnerEnabled = true;
_publisher.Advertisement.LegacySettings.IsEnabled = true;
PasswordCredential creds = new PasswordCredential();
creds.Password = passphrase;
_publisher.Advertisement.LegacySettings.Passphrase = creds;
_publisher.Advertisement.LegacySettings.Ssid = ssid;
if (_publisher.Status == WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus.Started)
// OK
// Error
OnConnectionRequested EventHandler
WiFiDirectConnectionRequest connectionRequest = connectionEventArgs.GetConnectionRequest();
WiFiDirectDevice wfdDevice = null;
wfdDevice = await WiFiDirectDevice.FromIdAsync(connectionRequest.DeviceInformation.Id);
wfdDevice.ConnectionStatusChanged += OnConnectionStatusChanged;
listEndpointPairs = wfdDevice.GetConnectionEndpointPairs();
_listener = new StreamSocketListener();
await _listener.BindEndpointAsync(listEndpointPairs[0].LocalHostName, "80");
listener.ConnectionReceived += (sender, args) => ConnectionReceivedHandler(args);
As i said before, it works well, but i can not send a second request to the StreamSocketListener, if i do, the WiFi-direct Connection gets disconnected. Do i miss something or made a fault?
Thanks in advice
I think this is solved, because MS write says in the changelog for build 17110 (current beta) the following under known issues
The IoTCore device has to be the connecting device – it will not work as the advertising device with another device initiating the connection.
So it seems that there is currently no way to do that.