I would like to know what is currently the best way to replicate the exact behavior of the Floating Action Button from Inbox by Gmail.
I am talking about this:
In particular I am interested in:
I know that there are several similar questions on SO and several FAB libraries out there but I am not aware of a currently supported library that is providing most of this features.
The FAB libraries from Clan, makovkastar and futuresimple are all deprecated or abandoned from several years and anyway don't implement most of the features.
RapidFloatingActionButton seems the most promising but afaik doesn't have support for the label on the mail FAB when expanded (and is also missing the ripple effect for the clicks).
What is currently the best approach to replicate the same behavior of the FAB from Inbox? Should I implement the missing features that I need on top of the RapidFloatingActionButton? Should I build everything from scratch? Or is there a (still maintained) library that does almost everything Inbox is doing?
Since I was not able to find a library that fulfilled all my needs, I made my own library: https://github.com/leinardi/FloatingActionButtonSpeedDial