I have a button that should appear 1 day before the model object's start_date. In my view I have a functions that tells me if the object's start_date or end_date is now.
def has_engagement(self):
from rental.models import Inquiry
inquiries = Inquiry.objects.filter(inquiryequipment__equipment=self).filter(start_date__lte= timezone.now()).\
if not inquiries:
return False
# no current confirmed engagement
return True
# there is a current confirmed engagement
instead of this, i need to check if today is a day before the start or end dates. Any ideas? Thanks
you can use timedelta as below:
previous = timezone.now() - timedelta(1) # returns date object of previous day
next = timezone.now() + timedelta(1) # returns date object of next day
Inquiry.objects.filter(start_date__lte=previous, end_date__gte=next, status="CO", inquiryequipment__equipment=self)
Note you can filter queryset and queries using comma seperated