So I started playing with the dynamic textures and ran across something funky. I created a sphere object with the dynamic texture and used .arc to create some circles; however, when it got to the screen, the circles became stretched into elliptical shapes. I'm hoping there's a simple fix for it, but I've yet to find anything.
The playground: Circle on a Sphere
Thank you for the time!
Apparently, it's doing the right thing. When you apply a dynamic texture, it is applied when the parent object is created itself.
To try this, open this example- and change the groundWidth to 80, you'll see the text has been elongated.
var groundWidth = 80; // width changed to 80
var groundHeight = 10;
var ground = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround("ground1", {width: groundWidth, height: groundHeight, subdivisions: 25}, scene);
Also, in you can see the text "sphere" on the sphere surface is adjusted accordingly -
There's a way you can make the circle on the surface by changing the uScale and vScale, but this is a temporary solution, I would recommend using other tools like Blender for this.
materialObj.diffuseTexture.vScale = 1;
materialObj.diffuseTexture.uScale = 2;
And the link -