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Heroku local doesn't read my .env file

I tried the heroku node sample at:

And used Postgres as the db.

All worked.

Now I wanted to run it local, so I used the sample from:

To get the DATABASE_URL to my .env file - but I couldn't get it to work even though when I ran Heroku local it displayed:

[OKAY] Loaded ENV .env File as KEY=VALUE Format

The database still did not connect and when I added:


It wrote undefined to the console.


  • It turned out the for some reason my .env file was not in the correct unicode encoding.

    I suspect that the command:

    heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -s  >.env

    Creates an invalid .env file on my windows machine. It creates a file using UTF-16 LE encoding.

    Once I changed it to UTF-8 it all worked.

    You can do that in VSCODE by clicking on the encoding in the status bar. enter image description here