I'd like to be able to address this from a XCUITest in order to say something like
XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "bundle Id").alerts.matching(Foo)
I already know about addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: description)
but it seems that we might need to wait for the alert to appear.
It is Springboard app, therefore its Bundle ID is com.apple.springboard
You have it in your logs when you run your tests. This is excerpt from my test logs:
t = 31.89s Tap "Location service" Switch
t = 31.89s Wait for com.mytestapp to idle
t = 31.95s Find the "Location service" Switch
t = 32.01s Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
t = 32.05s Synthesize event
t = 32.16s Wait for com.mytestapp to idle