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text not hidden within table

I am quite confused by the following html markup

<table id="tableCharts" hidden=true>
    <table id="tableResetLinks">
          <a href="test"><b>Reset All</b></a>
    <td id="chart-pie-pnlperstrategy">
      <div class="chart-title">PnL by Strategy</div>

I would expect the hidden=true style element to apply to the whole tableCharts table but it doesn't as the text PnL by Strategyshows up no matter what the hidden parameter is set to.

hidden=true does work for the tableResetLinks table though.

The code above is a simplification of my actual code. I do need the child table in there.

Must be something obvious I'm missing.


  • Since you need the child table, what can you do is use a wrapper (like a <div>) to wrap the whole table, and put the hidden there

    <div hidden>
    <table id="tableCharts">
        <table id="tableResetLinks">
              <a href="test"><b>Reset All</b></a>
        <td id="chart-pie-pnlperstrategy">
          <div class="chart-title">PnL by Strategy</div>