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Not able to login due to '__RequestVerificationToken'

I have recorded ‘Login’ in jmeter. My Application uses ‘CSRF’ token.

So I added regular expression extractor as in the screen shot.

I have tried different types of patterns:

"<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="([A-Za-z0-9+=/-_]+)">"

"<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="(.+?)" />". etc

But, When I check the response it is like ‘__RequestVerificationToken=%24%7Btoken%7D’

I tried with Xpath extractor also:


I also added cookie manager

! enter image description here

! enter image description here

! enter image description here

Below screenshots are response data(having tokens) for different pages(or paths) before login

This screenshot is for the path ‘/web’(which has the token)

! enter image description here

This screenshot is for the path ‘/Web/Account/Login’ (which has different token)

! enter image description here

But the login is failing due to authentication

! enter image description here

Question :

  1. Am I following the right method

  2. Why there are two different token values for two different path (‘/web’ and ‘/Web/Account/Login’)

  3. How can I resolve this issue

PS: I have read most of the articles/blogs. Still not able to resolve authentication error


  • You need to add the Regular Expression Extractor to the previous request to the login page, normally it should have HTTP GET method so amend your test like:

    • Open login page (HTTP GET)
      • Regular Expression Extractor (to get __RequestVerificationToken)
    • Perform login (HTTP POST)

    More information: ASP.NET Login Testing with JMeter