I'm trying to run gforth
with the Echo server on Rosetta Code, however I'm getting the following,
sh: 1: libtool: not found
in file included from *OS command line*:-1
in file included from test.fs:1
/usr/share/gforth/0.7.3/unix/socket.fs:48: libtool compile failed
$7FDBCA435988 throw
$7FDBCA4719D0 c(abort")
$7FDBCA4726C0 compile-wrapper-function1
Line :48 of socket.fs
I have libtool
installed, (and both libtool
and gforth
were installed with apt
I can find the same error here.
In Debian/Ubuntu, you need libtool-bin
as they're now packaged separately
libtool-bin - Generic library support script (libtool binary)
You can install that with,
sudo apt install libtool-bin