I want to convert my photos from jpg, gif, and png to WebP format.
When I'm trying to use CMD for using cwebp command, I got this error message :
is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I've downloaded all the files needed such as libwebp-0.4.0-windows-x86.zip
and WebpCodecSetup.exe
Even I've installed Visual Studio to use its command prompt, but didn't work! Is there anyone who can help me?
Is anyone know any tool to reduce image size without losing its quality?
Download cwebp binaries (.exe) and run it with PowerShell:
# tip: on windows explorer shift + right-click a directory and copy its path
$dir = "path/to/photos/directory"
# get all files in the directory
$images = Get-ChildItem $dir
foreach ($img in $images) {
# output file will be written in the same directory
# but with .webp extension instead of old extension
$outputName = $img.DirectoryName + "\" + $img.BaseName + ".webp"
C:\webp-converter\libwebp-0.6.1-windows-x64\bin\cwebp.exe $img.FullName -o $outputName
See also cwebp options.