I have an existing (classic) Google Site that I would like to be a semi-public wiki. Google seems to have explicitly disallowed public wikis in the new version of sites, so I'm trying to find a work-around of sorts.
Here's my ideal flow:
1. Guest visits my Google site "Foo Wiki" and clicks a link to become a contributor.
2. Link goes to my Google Form "Registration Form" that just asks for
a name and email address.
3. Form submission creates a new line in a google sheet "Registration List".
4. "Registration List" has a script that emails the user's given email address
giving them editing rights to "Foo Wiki"
Is this possible?
I have the easy parts (1-3) done, but not sure how to go about step 4.
I think you can easily get this done using the addEditor()
Kindly check this out https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/sites/site#addEditor(User)