i want to create an android application which makes predictions, I already have my spark's code using python and I ve already Building a Web API around my Engine using Flask and runing the server with spark using cherrypy, The question is how can I connect cherrypy to my android application? Now i used just spark-submit
~/spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit --master local --total-executor-cores 14 --executor-memory 6g --packages org.mongodb.spark:mongo-spark-connector_2.11:2.2.0 myserver_file.py
which gives me :
INFO:cherrypy.error:[31/Mar/2018:19:31:46] ENGINE Serving on
[31/Mar/2018:19:31:46] ENGINE Bus STARTED
INFO:cherrypy.error:[31/Mar/2018:19:31:46] ENGINE Bus STARTED
so I can get the results on
, But I want get the result on my android application
Well can you please try running the server application using the actual IP of your server (i.e. etc.) and then try it from your android application ? Can you make sure that the android device is connected to the machine in same LAN connection ?