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tflearn classification with CNN (conv_1d)

I have a question about tflearn and the usage of CNN with it. I have a classification problem with n data variables (float) and m classes. I tried to implement this by using this with just my dataset. But they used an embedding, which doesn't work for me (I have uncountable many possible values for the input values, since they are float). If I just drop the line network = tflearn.embedding(network, input_dim=10000, output_dim=128), I don't have a 3-d tensor as input for the following conv_1d layer. Could anyone help me? So how can I bring my data into the right shape to apply some convolutions?



  • Add an extra dimension at the end, it needs a channel dimension, like so (changed the second like, the first and third I copied for easier understanding):

    network = input_data(shape=[None, 100], name='input')
    network = tf.expand_dims(network, 2)
    branch1 = conv_1d(network, 128, 3, padding='valid', activation='relu', regularizer="L2")