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Permutation of pandas series with all elements in it (itertools)

I trying to get a back a series (or data frame) with permutations of the elements in that list:

stmt_stream_ticker = ("SELECT * FROM ticker;")
ticker = pd.read_sql(stmt_stream_ticker, eng)

which gives me my ticker series

0   ALJ
1   ALDW
2   BP
3   BPT

then via function I'd like to work my list:

def permus_maker(x):

    global i # I tried nonlocal i but this gives me: nonbinding error
    permus = itertools.permutations(x, 2)
    permus_pairs = []

    for i in permus:

    return permus_pairs.append(i)

test = permus_maker(ticker)


This gives me 'None' back. Any idea what I do wrong?


I tested user defined function vs integrated function (%timeit): it takes 5x as long.


  • list.append() returns None, so return permus_pairs instead of permus_pairs.append(i)


    In [126]: [0].append(1) is None
    Out[126]: True

    but you don't really need that function:

    In [124]: list(permutations(ticker.ticker, 2))
    [('ALJ', 'ALDW'),
     ('ALJ', 'BP'),
     ('ALJ', 'BPT'),
     ('ALDW', 'ALJ'),
     ('ALDW', 'BP'),
     ('ALDW', 'BPT'),
     ('BP', 'ALJ'),
     ('BP', 'ALDW'),
     ('BP', 'BPT'),
     ('BPT', 'ALJ'),
     ('BPT', 'ALDW'),
     ('BPT', 'BP')]

    Be aware - if you are working with huge lists/Series/DataFrames, then it would make sense to use permutations iterator iteratively instead of exploding it in memory:

    for pair in permutations(ticker.ticker, 2):
         # process pair of tickers here ...