I'm using steam's python library to create an app for generating 2FA codes. The issue is that steam throws me this error whenever I try to add a phone number or add 2FA to said account:
RuntimeError: Failed to get a web session. Try again in a few minutes
Fri Mar 30 08:39:04 2018 <Greenlet at 0x6e64580: handle_after_logon> failed with RuntimeError
Yes I've waited a few minutes and have been trying for hours. Here's the code that I'm using to attempt this:
from steam import SteamClient
from steam.enums.emsg import EMsg
from steam.guard import SteamAuthenticator
#Create our steamclient instance
client = SteamClient()
def handle_after_logon():
print("You are now Logged in.")
#Setup Autenticator for our steamclient instance "client". "client" is our logged in SteamClient instance as requested by documentation
sa = SteamAuthenticator(medium=client)
#My account has no phone number
#Adding phone number because I know ahead of time I don't have it
sa.add_phone_number("myphonenumber with area code")
sa.add() # SMS code will be sent to account's phone number
sa.secrets # dict with authenticator secrets
#We're gonna need these
sa.finalize(str(input("SMS CODE: "))) # activate the authenticator
sa.get_code() # generate 2FA code for login
sa.remove() # removes the authenticator from the account
#Login to our steamclient instance
#client.on("loggon_on") doesn't trigger without this
#Allow us to logout using keyboard interrupt
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if client.connected:
Due to a lack of example code on 2FA in particular I've followed the documentation the best I could, I've looked at all of the below:
I feel like there's simply a silly error in my code, but reading through the documentation doesn't appear to be helping me solve this.
Thanks for your guys help.
I debugged for a while and it's an issue with gevent
I added this line to fix it at the beginning of my script:
from gevent import monkey