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How to document dynamic query parameter names in OpenAPI (Swagger)?

Is there any way to document the following query?

GET api/v1/users?name1=value1&name2=value

where the query parameter names are dynamic and will be received from the client.

I'm using the latest Swagger API.


  • Free-form query parameters can be described using OpenAPI 3.x, but not OpenAPI 2.0 (Swagger 2.0). The parameter must have type: object with the serialization method style: form and explode: true. The object will be serialized as ?prop1=value1&prop2=value2&..., where individual prop=value pairs are the object properties.

    openapi: 3.0.3
            - in: query
              # Arbitrary name. It won't appear in the request URL, but will be used
              # in server & client code generated from this OAS document.
              name: params
                type: object
                # If the parameter values are of specific type, e.g. string:
                  type: string
                # If the parameter values can be of different types
                # (e.g. string, number, boolean, ...)
                # additionalProperties: true
              # `style: form` and `explode: true` is the default serialization method
              # for query parameters, so these keywords can be omitted
              style: form
              explode: true

    Free-form query parameters are supported in Swagger UI 3.15.0+ and Swagger Editor 3.5.6+. In the parameter editor, enter the parameter names and values in the JSON object format, e.g. { "prop1": "value1", "prop2": "value2" }. "Try it out" will send them as param=value query parameters:

    Free-form query parameters in Swagger UI

    Not sure about Codegen support though.