According to Spark ML docs random forest and gradient-boosted trees can be used for both: classification and regression problems:
Suppose my "label" is taking integer values from 0..n and I want to train these classifiers for regression problem, predicting continuous variable value for the label field. However, I don't see in the documentation how both of these regressors should be configured for this problem and I don't see any class parameters which distinguish cases for regression vs classification. How both classifiers should be configured for regression problems, then?
There is no such configuration involved, simply because the regression & classification problems are actually handled by different submodules & classes in Spark ML; i.e. for classification, you should use (assuming PySpark):
from import GBTClassifier # GBT
from import RandomForestClassifier # RF
while for regression you should use respectively
from import GBTRegressor # GBT
from import RandomForestRegressor # RF
Check the Classification and regression overview in the docs for more details.