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check user validation in core with jwt authorization

I implemented Microsoft Identity and JWT in my web api, a client can login and get a JWT token and store it in the application. since the expiration of the token the user can access the the server, but if I remove a user from my database, the removed user still has its token and can access the web api, how can I check the validation of the user?


  • One option is to validate the current user on the JwtBearerEvent OnTokenValidated event which will be triggered after every successful authentication

            .AddJwtBearer(options => {
            options.Events = new JwtBearerEvents
                    OnTokenValidated = context =>
                        var userService = ServiceProvider.GetService<IUserService>();
                            context.Fail("User is removed");
                        return Task.CompletedTask;

    Note: In this example I use ServiceProvider, to get the an instance of IUserService, which is stored in the Startup.cs class as a parameter. Initialized as ServiceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); in the ConfigureServices method. The IUserService is a wrapper class where you need to implement the IsUserRemoved method which will operate on your user provider implementation.