I would like to connect Raspberry Pi running Android things with Arduino Nano by I2C. The official Android documentation says:
Managing the slave device connection
Is there a way to act Arduino as a master and Raspberry with Android things to act as a slave?
On Arduino side there is onRequest or onReceive callbacks available with Wire library but I don't se any callbacks with Peripherial I/O API on Android side.
Is there any solution or just use on Android side a simple loop to read from Arduino register regardless if there is a change or not. Thanks
Is there any solution or just use on Android side a simple loop to read from Arduino register regardless if there is a change or not.
You could setup a GPIO connection between the two
Have the arduino "ping" the AndroidThings board when it has data to read.
Then the AndroidThings board can use I2C to read at that point https://developer.android.com/things/reference/com/google/android/things/pio/I2cDevice.html#read(byte[],%20int)
(better than having a polling loop)