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Android things as a I2C Slave

I would like to connect Raspberry Pi running Android things with Arduino Nano by I2C. The official Android documentation says:

Managing the slave device connection

Is there a way to act Arduino as a master and Raspberry with Android things to act as a slave?

On Arduino side there is onRequest or onReceive callbacks available with Wire library but I don't se any callbacks with Peripherial I/O API on Android side.

Is there any solution or just use on Android side a simple loop to read from Arduino register regardless if there is a change or not. Thanks


  • Is there any solution or just use on Android side a simple loop to read from Arduino register regardless if there is a change or not.

    You could setup a GPIO connection between the two

    Have the arduino "ping" the AndroidThings board when it has data to read.

    Then the AndroidThings board can use I2C to read at that point[],%20int)

    (better than having a polling loop)