I'm implemented Glide library to load image in ImageView it's working fine.
compile "com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.5.0"
annotationProcessor "com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.5.0"
compile "jp.co.cyberagent.android.gpuimage:gpuimage-library:1.3.0"
In Adapter:
.apply(bitmapTransform(new jp.wasabeef.glide.transformations.BlurTransformation(25)
.apply(new RequestOptions()
Issue is that when I'm upload image and display in recyclerview and get URL from API then it's display previously added image from cache instead of new one. I just need to add new image in first position instead of refresh whole list.
By using this:
Above code refresh whole list because clear whole cache data. I just need to display new uploaded image in list.
Please set like this:-
.apply(new RequestOptions()