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How to parse string into url.Values in golang?

Let's suppose i have the following string


and i want to convert it into url.Values struct and i have the following

data := url.Values{}

parameters := strings.Split(request.Body, "&")

for _, parameter := range parameters {

    parts := strings.Split(parameter, "=")

    data.Add(parts[0], parts[1])


which does convert it into url.Values but the problem is that it doesn't convert url encoded values like + into space, so first is there a better way to parse this? then if not how do i convert url encoded string to normal string first?

Thank's For Your Help...o


  • You could use url.ParseQuery to convert the raw query to url.Values with unescaping

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        t := "honeypot=&name=Zelalem+Mekonen&"
        v, err := url.ParseQuery(t)
        if err != nil {


    map[honeypot:[] name:[Zelalem Mekonen] email:[] message:[Hello And this is a test message...]]