How do you get a list of all filenames in a Github repo using Python/PyGithub without logging into a user account?
How can I use github.Github(self.login, self.password)
if I only know about a user name, not his/her password?
The source code shows that you can keep the password to 'None
' when it comes to get a GitHub object.
def __init__(self, login_or_token, password, base_url, timeout, client_id, client_secret, user_agent, per_page, api_preview):
if password is not None:
login = login_or_token
if atLeastPython3:
self.__authorizationHeader = "Basic " + base64.b64encode((login + ":" + password).encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8").replace('\n', '') # pragma no cover (Covered by Authentication.testAuthorizationHeaderWithXxx with Python 3)
self.__authorizationHeader = "Basic " + base64.b64encode(login + ":" + password).replace('\n', '')
elif login_or_token is not None:
token = login_or_token
self.__authorizationHeader = "token " + token
self.__authorizationHeader = None
That is tested here:
def testLoggingWithoutAuthentication(self):
self.assertEqual(github.Github().get_user("jacquev6").name, "Vincent Jacques")
From there, you can get any public repo and list their files.
You only need to "login" for private repos.