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Prove that a greedy algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree will definitely stop

This is an algorithm for finding a minimum spanning tree in a connected UN-directed graph G=(V,E):

  1. Initialization: B = ∅ - The group of edges that will be built by the algorithm

  2. while |B| < |V| - 1 do:

    a. choose some cut in the graph (S,V\S) which there isn't an edge e belongs to B that cross it.

    b. find the lightest edge crossing that cut.

    c. add it to the group B.
    B = B ∪ {e}.

  3. return T = (V,B)

The meaning of cut is described in the attached image: Cut's meaning the vertices s,u are in one group we can call S.

all the other vertices are in the group V\S.

so this is the meaning of (S,V\S) as a cut. also - the edge (u,w) is a crossing edge
(u,v) is the lightest crossing edge in that specific cut. (s,u) is not a "crossing" edge

I need to prove that the algorithm will stop eventually. That |B| = |V| - 1 at some point.

I can use the following say in the proof:

'In any point of the algorithm, there exist a minimum spanning tree T=(V,Et) of G that contains the group of edges B that were chosen by the algorithm.'

assuming I already proved that, I need to somehow show that there's is always some cut in the graph that none of his crossing edges been added to B yet. while |B|<|V|-1 . but I'm not sure how to do that


  • Let us assume that there is no such cut and |B| < |V| - 1. As the tree is connected, this means that all the vertices are connected by some edge in B (Because if a vertex is not connected, there will be a cut in which no edge belongs to B separating that vertex and the spanning tree)

    As, |V| vertices need at least |V| - 1 edges to be connected, we infer that |B| >= |V| - 1, thus contradicting our assumption.

    Hence Proved.