I am subscribing to the angular Location service in my component as such:
this.location.subscribe((ev:PopStateEvent) => {
this.lastPoppedUrl = ev.url;
I'd like to be able to test it along with the rest of my component.
Right now I have this stub in my component.spec.ts file
let locationStub: Partial<Location>;
locationStub = {
And I am configuring it into my TestBed as a provider:
{provide: Location, useValue: locationStub }
When I run ng test
, I get this error this.location.subscribe is not a function
How can I create a stub or spy that will allow me to pass the .subscribe functionality of Location.
Here is a similar question on testing Location, but it is referring to functions within Location, not specifically subscribing to Location.
Any help is much appreciated.
You have to do it like this:
beforeEach(() => {
// Mock the location here instead, then pass to the NavBarComponent
loc = jasmine.createSpyObj("Location", ["back", "subscribe"]);
Location.subscribe.and.callFake(()=> Observable.of(your stubbed data to return here));
testNavBarComponent = new NavBarComponent(loc);
So you have to add subscribe
to the list of the available functions in the Location service.
And it's important to tell what to return then when calling the subscribe,
This is what Location.subscribe.and.callFake(()=> Observable.of(Your stubbed data to return here));
is for.
I've tried to create a small demo:
Here is the link to it, you can try to fork and modify it as needed.