Search code examples

How to PIVOT table with variable data in columns


rownum  respnum   q2        q3
1       33        Missy     155-4
2       46        Melissa   55-98
3       73        Emma      998-4

How would you PIVOT the above table to show the desired results below? Keep in mind the original column headers are static (q2,q3,...) but the answers can vary.

 rownum respnum   question  answer
1       33        q2        Missy
1       33        q3        155-4
2       46        q2        Melissa 
2       46        q3        55-98
3       73        q2        Emmat
3       73        q3        998-4



  • UnPivot would be more performant, but if you don't want to specify all the fields, consider the following:


    Select rownum
     From YourTable A
     Cross Apply ( values (cast((Select A.* for XML RAW) as xml))) B(XMLData)
     Cross Apply (
                    Select question = a.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)')
                          ,answer   = a.value('.','varchar(max)') 
                     From  B.XMLData.nodes('/row')  as C1(n)
                     Cross Apply C1.n.nodes('./@*') as C2(a)
                     Where a.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)') not in ('rownum','respnum')
                 ) C


    rownum  respnum question    answer
    1       33      q2          Missy
    1       33      q3          155-4
    2       46      q2          Melissa
    2       46      q3          55-98
    3       73      q2          Emma
    3       73      q3          998-4