Due to my own idiocracy I have managed to run two versions of Apache on my Mac OS. Since a late update to Sierra my webserver has fallen into decay. I feel it is only a matter of time, until the whole environment breaks down and the OS is doomed for reincarnation.
For now I have managed to get my system side Apache running. However I have found that my "apachectl" command has been replaced with the brew version of apache. Since I am not strong with cmd line I want to ask how I can revert this? For now I am starting system side apache with "/usr/sbin/apachectl start".
If anyone could give me some advice how to keep the two versions from colliding, I would be more than grateful: keep brew apache from autoloading, check for which httpd processes are running and where they are rooted, put brew apache in a dumpster in the middle of the night etc.
I also have brew versions of php installed but I dare not to uninstall due to dependencies... any advide here would be appreciated as well.
IF ANY NEWCOMER READS THIS THREAD: Since I updated my Mac OS to the new Sierra my whole Apache configurations have gone mad. Unfortunately I have followed a very, very bad tutorial a few updates ago (https://www.getgrav.org/blog/macos-sierra-apache-multiple-php-versions) to configure my web development environment. I RECOMMEND EVERYONE TO AVOID THIS TUTORIAL! The blogger writes that his tutorial is only for advanced developers, however the tutorial itself is a total mess: there are no hints for any backup files and the configurations are all in bad style... I would advise anyone to double check on custom configurations in apache and always backup every file you change! For me it is too late and I feel only a hard reset of the system will suffice. Dark days on the horizon...
When you upgraded to the new OS, it does change your default apache config. The good thing is it does save a copy and renames it to httpd.conf~previous also creates a folder under etc/apache2/original for the previous default version. Just copy them back over and you're good to go.
Also you can throw homebrew in the dumpster using their own script
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/uninstall)"
Hope that helps.