I have a set of unit tests for serializer objects in my Rails application. These serializer objects use the google-protobuf (~> 3.5)
gem, including the Google::Protobuf::Timestamp
object. For time-related attributes (like purchase_order#created_at
, line_item#created_at
, and inspection_event#event_occured_at
), we use a TimeSerializer object, implemented as follows:
# frozen_string_literal: true
module ProtoSerializers
class TimeSerializer < BaseProtoSerializer
def serialize
return if object.nil?
GOOGLE_BASE::Timestamp.new(seconds: object&.to_i, nanos: object&.nsec)
This is instantiated by calling ProtoSerializers::TimeSerializer.serialize(time)
, where time
is a Rails Time or DateTime object.
The tests compare expected results of the serialization with the actual results, pass if the results match, and fail otherwise:
describe '#serialize an inspection whose purchase order and line item are both archived' do
subject { described_class.serialize(object) }
let(:purchase_order) { create(:purchase_order, :is_archived) }
let(:line_item) { create(:line_item, :archived, purchase_order: purchase_order) }
let(:object) { create(:inspection, line_item: line_item) }
it 'serializes attributes' do
expect(subject).to be_a(MyCorp::Proto::MyApp::InspectionEvent)
expect(subject).to have_attributes(
...(misc key-value pairs)...
purchase_order: ProtoSerializers::PurchaseOrderSerializer.serialize(purchase_order),
line_item: ProtoSerializers::LineItemSerializer.serialize(line_item),
event_occurred_at: ProtoSerializers::TimeSerializer.serialize(object.event_occurred_at)
The PurchaseOrder
and LineItem
models both have created_at
attributes, as per standard Rails practice.
This test passes on my machine but fails when I push it up to Github (which kicks off a Jenkins test pipeline). The expected-vs-actual diff appears as follows:
20:00:39 -:line_item => <MyCorp::Proto::MyApp::LineItem: ..., created_at: <Google::Protobuf::Timestamp: seconds: 1522368034, nanos: 909710602>, ...>,
20:00:39 +:line_item => <MyCorp::Proto::MyApp::LineItem: ..., created_at: <Google::Protobuf::Timestamp: seconds: 1522368034, nanos: 909710000>, ...>,
20:00:39 -:purchase_order => <MyCorp::Proto::MyApp::PurchaseOrder: ..., created_at: <Google::Protobuf::Timestamp: seconds: 1522368034, nanos: 909710602>>,
20:00:39 +:purchase_order => <MyCorp::Proto::MyApp::PurchaseOrder: ..., created_at: <Google::Protobuf::Timestamp: seconds: 1522368034, nanos: 909710000>>,
As you can see, the seconds
attribute matches, but the nanos
attrivute is off by a few hundred nanoseconds. I've tried using Timecop in this test, as follows, but the failed tests persisted:
before { Timecop.freeze(Time.now) }
after { Timecop.return }
I'm not sure what could be different between the Jenkins pipeline and my machine. I'm using a Macbook with an Intel Core i7 processor, which I believe is 64-bit.
It appears the cause is a loss of precision when converting 64-bit ints on my machine (Macbook with Intel Core i7 processor) to Protobufs 32-bit int nanoseconds. In order to fix the problem, I had to mock the time to something where a loss of precision wouldn't be a factor. In the end I used Epoch time, as follows:
before { Timecop.freeze(Time.at(0)) }
after { Timecop.return }
This solved the issue.