I created Rundeck Key storage and stored password in it
Then in inline script i specified folowing (keys/JIRA is Rundeck password storage)
curl -XN -u user:keys/JIRA
But password is not passed and authnetication fails, what am i doing wrong ?
The password value will be expanded when it is passed to the script. Below is an example:
- description: '' executionEnabled: true id: 1f7f5312-0887-4841-a7ef-1c30f712f927 loglevel: INFO name: How to pass Rundeck key storage to script nodeFilterEditable: false options: - name: JiraPass secure: true storagePath: keys/jira.password valueExposed: true scheduleEnabled: true sequence: commands: - args: ${option.JiraPass} script: | #!/usr/bin/env bash jira_password=$1 echo curl -XN -u "user:$1" keepgoing: false strategy: node-first uuid: 1f7f5312-0887-4841-a7ef-1c30f712f927